An Affair Abroad Page 5
I was in mind-blowing ecstasy and taking the full beating, pinned between him and the wall with no way out. Mash was heavily endowed and possibly ruining me, but I was loving it. No one could top this performance and he knew it. He was owning me. Staking his claim. Planting his flag in my life box.
My shyness faded the more I pulsated in his clutch, and I pulled his head back so I could finally make eye contact with him. He liked I was finally engaging, and not letting him be the only aggressor, grunting slightly louder, showing me his sexy grin, and kissing me fervidly, but slower than the motion he was grinding. His attentiveness to hit every corner made me spasm, and our eyes connected as I arrived at orgasm number two.
As I rained on him, he switched his movement to subtle, long strokes. Applying the pressure I needed to get it all out. “You okay?” he asked as he removed himself. “I am more than okay,” I replied and followed with, “Did you?”
“I held it back. I’m not done with you yet,” he answered with a swift kiss to my lips.
He took me by the hand, and led me over to the pool table. I could barely lift my feet to follow him, but somehow managed to in my weak state. Without any more chatter, he turned my back to him and positioned me up against the table, placing one of my feet in the ball socket while the other remained on the floor. He kissed the back of my neck with an open mouth, then lower, and lower, surprising me with a sudden insertion to my warmth. I screeched and grabbed onto the green velvet, accepting his entrance while listening to him enjoy me. “Nadia. You feel so damn good,” he groaned.
Mash was relishing in my body, my juice, my lines—and I was pleased to please him, enduring all he had to give. The pain and the pleasure was a lot to handle, but the sensation of his hands massaging my back, and the tugging of my hips, enthralled me with levels of pleasure I never imagined.
From this angle, he waxed my ass like he was the karate kid, until he segmentally arched my back from pulling my hair, lifting my head off of the green velvet and let loose. It felt like thunder, though thunder can only be heard. His exhalation was boisterous, assuring me his reveling inside my love, would classify tonight as one he would never forget.
I laid motionless with him still inside me, waiting for release. I felt a good sleep coming on, just as we were no longer connected, and I turned around completely to look at him, and to look at it. I was mesmerized. It was tawny and wider than I had ever witnessed, longer than average, and absolutely perfect. I looked up at his face, then back at it once more, unable to look away. “You made quite a mess,” he joked.
“I had some help.”
He stepped away into the kitchen and discarded the rubber. He returned with two bottles of water, as I stood not knowing what to do with myself. He sat me on the edge of the table, positioned between my legs. Caressing my back as I sipped, “Come on, let’s take a shower and go to bed,” he carried me to the master bedroom, and sat me in the middle of the black marbled double vanity.
Once the steam rose from the running water, I cleansed his scent off of me, while he gathered my clothing scattered all over the house. When I was done he wrapped me in a towel, and escorted me to his bed where he had a t-shirt laid out for me. He pulled the sheets back and I climbed in, waiting for him to join me, sleepy and unable to get comfortable in the unfamiliar setting.
When he was finally next to me, he sat up fumbling through his phone. Mine buzzed nonstop in my bag, and for some reason I asked,
“Do you mind if I take Khai’s call?” We looked at each other, both confused by the question. I answered Khai on Facetime, ready for my lashing, “It’s good to know you are okay,” she said.
“I know I forgot to ping you,” I replied with a huge smile.
“Why the hell are you smiling so big? And are you lying down? And where is your make-up?” she grilled.
“I only answered the phone so you could see I am okay. I’ll talk to you later.”
“And you are glowing! Where is Mr. Maximus?!”
“He’s right here.”
“Hi Khai,” Mash said in the background.
“You are alright with me Maximus!” said Khai cackling.
“Good night,” I urged.
“I guess this means you aren’t going with us to Paris in the morning?”
“No, I’ll have to miss Paris. Bring me a chocolate croissant please.”
“I most definitely will. Talk with you tomorrow.”
“Good night Khai,” Mash added.
“Good night fornicators,” Khai laughed.
We laughed at being called fornicators for a good minute. Mash then asked, “Are you okay with missing Paris to hang out with me?”
“Yeah it’s cool. I really wanted to go to Ibiza anyway.”
“Ibiza? Why?”
“I’m fascinated with the big mythical rock Es Vedra.”
“I’ve had a few shows out there and never paid any attention to it. I’ve definitely heard about it, but my visits were mostly work related.”
“People say they can feel an energy from it. I was just curious to see it, and feel it for myself.”
“Well I’ll make tomorrow worth your while since I’m interrupting your plans.”
“You’re a good interruption. I have no complaints.”
He leaned over and told me to check my phone. A copy of his schedule for the week, highlighting the days and time he would be free, during my visit sat in my inbox.
He then invited me to join him in Paris for a show on Friday. I reminded him I had obligations, and would have to miss his show because of the rehearsal dinner. “I keep forgetting you are here for a wedding. Sooooo, I guess I’ll see you at, or after the wedding? If I’m invited?”
“You can be my plus one, and you better not stand me up.”
“Ha! She’s bossing me now.”
“What I meant to say was, I’d love for you to be my plus one.”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Chapter Four
The clock read 4 a.m. and I was wide awake. Under normal circumstances, I would be fast asleep at this hour. Alone or wishing I was alone. My thoughts were running rampant, and my body was growing impatient for those thoughts to come to fruition. Lying still on my back in the middle of the bed, I was trapped under one arm and afraid to move. My eyes wandered from left to right, searching for clues and details he hadn’t shared, or may have wanted to keep hidden.
His room was neat and well organized. Everything was in place from what I could see. The pillows on the lounge correctly tucked down the middle. The marble abstract piece, properly placed in the center of the nightstand next to a book and a lamp. And all dust free. I could only assume he hired a maid service for the upkeep, or he had a girlfriend he neglected to mention. ‘Don’t go down that road,’ I thought, but it was too late. The can of worms had been opened, and I wasn’t going to be able to get it out of my head, unless I went back to sleep.
I closed my eyes and listened to Mash sleeping peacefully next to me. Instead of joining him, my mind continued to race—reminiscing how good I felt up against the wall in the kitchen, to imagining him with other women, then I coughed. He twisted a few times, finally releasing me from his hold, and I turned on my side, away from him and pretended to be asleep.
He slid closer to me, and from behind whispered in my ear in a deeper voice than before, “Is something wrong?”
“No,” I lied, “How did you know I was awake?”
“I felt you move. Are you comfortable?”
“Yeah, I’m good.”
“Tell me. What’s on your mind?”
“Everything. Mainly the past three days, and how I ended up in your bed.”
“You being in my bed isn’t a bad thing I hope?”
“It certainly doesn’t feel like a bad thing.”
I was back in his embrace. His arm wrapped around my waist, and he stretched the t-shirt he gave me, to kiss the back of
my shoulder. “Then what’s wrong?” he asked.
“There lies the problem,” I replied, “Nothing is wrong. I’m over here already thinking about Sunday—when I have to get on the plane to go home.”
“Kotch. Don’t think about Sunday.”
“What does kotch mean?” I snickered.
“I’d like to, but something else is bothering me. I was also wondering who is going to be in this spot when I leave. Please, don’t judge me for being jealous, when I have no right to be. I just got a little curious as to why you are single. I mean come on, there has to be someone keeping you company.”
“If you are asking if I have a girlfriend, the answer is no. I have no reason to lie to you. I have a few friends I can call if I don’t want to be alone, but nothing serious. And none of them have been in this bed.”
“No offense, but I’m calling bullshit.”
“I told you, I feel something for you I haven’t with anyone else. I have other bedrooms, and yes, I have entertained in them, but never in here. This is my personal space. Why are we talking about this again?”
“Because this is what I do. I overthink things, open my mouth, and everything goes to shit.”
“I think you feel what I feel and you’re scared. Admit it.”
“I am a little scared.”
“I have no intentions of hurting you. Do you believe me?”
I hesitated.
“Say you believe me.”
“I believe you.”
“Now say you trust me.”
He pressed firmly against my back, cocked and loaded, ready to strike. I had been lying awake, waiting for a second round. “Say it,” he demanded placing searching for my tickle spot. “I said I believe you have no intentions of hurting me.”
“Now say you trust me.”
“Un uh,” I screeched with laughter, until he silenced my giggles by sucking on my neck, mixed with tongue traces and gentle bites grazing my skin.
“I trust you,” I gasped.
He took a pause and smiled at me. Kissing me from my cheek, to below my chin, and then my shoulders he softly whispered, “You don’t have to worry about anyone else.” I didn’t believe him, though he was convincing, smiling at me in between kisses.
His rod grew larger against my thighs, causing my papaya to kegel. Ready to wrinkle the sheets, my legs opened wide for him, ready for the taking, and grinded upwards hoping he would slide in. Our eyes locked as he grabbed my bum, squeezing it like a stress ball. I removed the t-shirt he gave me, then begged him to put it inside. He touched me and grinned at the drip greeting him, then pressed his weaponry against my wetness.
“I want to feel the real you. May I?” he asked.
“Are you clean?”
“Yes. I always use condoms, but I want to feel you skin on skin. You said you trust me.”
“Don’t make me regret this.”
“I promise I won’t.”
“Ah!” I sighed as he penetrated. “Breathe my love,” he said watching me welcome him. I exhaled as he held me tight around my waist, accelerating forward and fully inside, groaning at the sensation of pure flesh.
With my arms cuddled beneath him, the slow grind of push and pull ignited an awakening in me I couldn’t fight. Him grunting against my chest, somehow made me feel even closer to him. Tighter and tighter, I cradled his head against me, rocking back and forth in unison. He came up for air and I grazed my teeth against his shoulder, catching what he threw at me. His head lifted and our lips met for soft pecks, and quick compliments to one another.
“I love how I feel inside you,” he whispered.
“I love how you feel inside me,” I moaned.
“You’re driving me insane woman.”
He dove deeper and applied his lips to my forehead, swept my hair off of my face, then tugged it from the nape. Watching me turn into putty as he pummeled and massaged my head simultaneously, I drizzled on him, causing him to shriek. “Messy girl,” he taunted, then enhanced his strokes, intensifying my orgasm. I screamed out, “Do whatever you want to me!” and he did, taking it up a notch to next level shit, digging into me like crates.
After wearing out his welcome, with one of the toys he fancied in my box, he skillfully lifted my right leg, and flipped me over while still inside. I yelled, “Oh shit,” as he went directly back into thrashing me from behind. Lying flat on my stomach, I could feel every inch of him against the back of my canal. I had given him total control, and he proved I was now in his world. And I liked it here. I loved it here.
I clenched onto the pillows as he held me down by my shoulders, and worked me over, moving in circles, then pausing, then circles again. “Baby I’m close!” he shouted, “You are too much for me from the back!” and he climaxed animalistic this time, howling in delight, and panting as if he just completed a mile run.
Falling beside me, he smacked my ass unable to speak and mumbled, “I have to meet this couple and thank them for bringing you to me,” between heavy pants. I nestled close to him and slipped my feet beneath his, and finally lost the battle to a deep sleep.
Unaware of the hour, I felt a presence above me and opened my eyes. Mash was fully dressed standing over me, telling me to sleep in while he ran an errand. “Leave clean sheets,” I muttered before drifting back into the darkness.
He hadn’t returned by the time I fully woke. I rose from the soiled sheets, looked around his drawers to appease my curiosity, then jumped in the shower a second time. I returned to the bed wrapped in a towel, changed the linens, and took advantage of thumbing through the photo albums, he left at the foot of the bed for my amusement.
The first book painted a colorful story of his teenage years. Pictures of him in a private school uniform, team sports, posing with album covers, and shadowing deejays, completed the first half section. The final portion displayed more moments of him carrying records, and what I assumed were girlfriends.
The next book was filled with old pictures of what had to be his family. Black and white portraits of beautiful people, which explained his striking looks. It dawned on me, we hadn’t discussed our family history of where our ancestors hailed from. I made a mental note to bring it up in our conversation, if we experienced a dry moment.
Flipping through the second book led me to the conclusion he had an interesting story to tell. It became obvious he was more than a Brit, and I couldn’t wait to hear what he revealed.
While reaching for the third book, I realized I was completely air dried. I dressed in the leggings and tee hidden away in my bag, then plopped back down on the bed to finish snooping. This book was the most questionable, and impressive by far. A plethora of photographs with actors, athletes, singers, and models I recognized from runway shows and commercials.
Turning the pages, I was hit with multiple, beautiful women smiling back at me, which played my insecurities like a fiddle. I began to imagine some of them lying on the bed staring at me, smirking at my existence, teasing I didn’t belong. I slammed the book shut, envious of the women who made it into his memorabilia. ‘Everyone has a past,’ I said to myself, and snapped out of it.
The garage door hurled and roared, and I rushed to the vanity to pull my hair back and fix my face. Mash walked in holding a small white paper bag in one hand, and shopping bags in the other. His face curled as he glanced up and down at my attire, then chuckled as he teased, “You had plans of spending the night I see.”
“I bet you’re happy I did,” I sassed.
“Fucking ecstatic.”
His ego increased tenfold, without any signs of returning back to normal after discovering my secret. “I got you a few things, but it looks like you won’t need all of them,” placing the shopping bags on a bench at the foot of the bed. He then handed me a pastry box from the small white one. “I’m sorry you missed Paris with your friends,” he
said as I opened the box. A freshly baked chocolate croissant with two strawberries, soothed my morning hunger as I pulled the flaky pastry apart. With a mouth full I chortled, “As you can see I was starving. And thank you. This is heavenly.”
“Only the best for you.”
“Where are my manners? Did you want some?”
“No thanks. I’m enjoying watching you have a go at it.”
“Good. Because I really didn’t want to share it.”
I closed my eyes and bit into the last piece, savoring the flavors, while wishing he had brought two of them home. Licking the chocolate from my fingers, then chasing it with a strawberry, I pranced in my stance and nodded to Mash, motioning you did good.
He turned the shopping bags upside down, covering the bed with new tags, a box of flats, and an array of panties and matching bras. For reference, he took my clothes to a boutique, and brought back a few outfits for me to wear.
“Did you pick these out?” I asked.
“No. A friend did.”
“Your friend has taste. So, was this the errand you had to run this morning?”
“Sort of. Get dressed. We’re going to be late. I’ll wait for you downstairs.”
His assertiveness was attractive, but I began to wonder if I had given him too much control. I also wondered why I liked it so much. I was aware I could be naïve, but never had I been submissive, and did whatever I was told. ‘Maybe he just wants to show me a good time while I’m here’ I thought, as I popped the tags on a bohemian print skirt, solid magenta tee, and denim jacket.